Ethereum: Having issues swapping brett on base with my script

Troubleshooting Brett Swap Issues with on Ethereum

As a developer working with the Ethereum blockchain, you are probably familiar with the library to interact with the Ethereum network. However, issues may arise when swapping Brett tokens from one address to another. In this article, we will explore the most common issues and provide detailed solutions to resolve them.

Common Issues

Before diving into the solution, let's outline some potential causes of Brett swap issues:

  • Invalid or Missing Addresses: Verify that both addresses (PERMIT_ADDRESS and BRETT_ADDRESS) are correct and formatted correctly.

  • Incorrect Private Key or Gas Limit: Make sure that you are using a valid private key for PERMIT_ADDRESS, but that you are not exceeding the maximum gas limit allowed for the transaction.

  • Incompatible Contract Calls: Make sure your script uses the correct Application Binary Interface (ABI) and calls the appropriate functions of the target contract.

Solution: Swapping Brett Tokens

To swap Brett tokens from one address to another, follow these steps:

Step 1: Get the required private key

Make sure you have a valid private key for PERMIT_ADDRESS. You can get it by:

  • Retrieve the private key from the contract using's eth_getRawTransaction function.

  • Alternatively, use your preferred method to get the private key.

Step 2: Get the transaction details

To swap Brett tokens, you will need to create a new transaction. You can do this by:

  • Retrieve the current balance of BRETT_ADDRESS.

  • Create a new contract instance using the Contract class.

  • Set parameters for the swap operation.

Step 3: Perform the exchange

Here is a sample code snippet showing how to exchange Brett tokens:

import web3

Ethereum: Having issues swapping brett on base with my script

Set constants and variables

PERMIT_ADDRESS = '0x000000000022D473030F116dDEE9F6B43aC78BA3'


contractAddress = '0x...'

Get the current balance of the Brett token

balance = web3.eth.getBalance(BRETT_ADDRESS)

Set the parameters for the exchange operation

parameters = [

{'from': PERMIT_ADDRESS, 'to': BRETT_ADDRESS, 'value': 10},

Exchange Brett tokens for 10 Brett units


Create a new transaction using Transaction class

tx = web3.eth.getTransaction(parameters[0], {"chainId": 1})

Sign the transaction with your private key (replace it with your actual private key)

signedTx = tx.sign(privateKey)

Send the transaction to the Ethereum network

web3.eth.sendRawTransaction(signedTx.rawTransaction, {'gas': 40000, 'gasPrice': web3.toWei(20, 'gwei')})

Replace privateKey with your actual private key and adjust the gas limit as needed.

Step 4: Verify the trade

To ensure that the trade was successful, you can:

  • Check the Brett token balance on both addresses using eth_getBalance in

  • Make sure your transfer has been processed by checking the block number and transaction ID.

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