Metamask: MetaMask detectEthereumProvider Check is associated with a specific chain

Detecting Ethereum Providers with MetaMask in JavaScript

When interacting with a web application that requires authentication, especially those built using Ethereum-based platforms such as DApp providers or decentralized finance (DeFi) applications, it is essential to ensure seamless integration. One crucial aspect of this is detecting the Ethereum provider associated with the user's account.

The detectEthereumProvider library from @metamask/detect-provider provides an easy way to achieve this. In this article, we will explore how you can use MetaMask in your JavaScript application to detect the Ethereum provider and then associate it with specific on-chain details.

Setting up DetectEthereumProvider

First, you need to install the detectEthereumProvider library using npm or yarn:

npm install @metamask/detect-provider

Or with yarn:

yarn add @metamask/detect-provider

Then, import and initialize the provider in your JavaScript code. Here is an example of how you can do it:

import detectEthereumProvider from '@metamask/detect-provider';

const ethereum = await detectEthereumProvider();

In this snippet, ethereum is assigned the result of calling the detectEthereumProvider function.

Connecting to a specific chain

To connect the Ethereum provider to a specific chain, you need to specify the chain details. This includes the network ID (e.g. 1 for Mainnet, 4 for Ropsten), the price of gas, and other optional parameters. Here's an example of how to do it:

const chainId = ethereum.chainId;

console.log(Chain ID: ${chainId});

if (chainId === 1) {

// Mainnet settings

} else if (chainId === 4) {

// Ropsten network settings


In this example, we check the chainId property to determine which chain settings to apply. You can add more conditions if necessary.

Additional Parameters

The detectEthereumProvider function returns an object with several properties that you can use to customize your interactions with Ethereum:

  • chainId: The network ID.

  • networkName: The network name (e.g. "Eth", "ERC20").

  • gasPrice: The price of gas in Wei (1 Wei = 1/10^15 Ether).

  • maxBlockNumber: The maximum number of blocks to mine.

  • accounts: An array of Ethereum accounts, where each account is an object with properties like address, name.

You can access these properties using the ethereum object returned by detectEthereumProvider. For example:

const gasPrice = ethereum.gasPrice;

console.log(Gas Price: ${gasPrice});

const accounts = ethereum.accounts;


accounts.forEach((account) => console.log(account));

Sample Use Cases

Here is an updated version of your code that includes a basic login system:

import detectEthereumProvider from '@metamask/detect-provider';

const ethereum = await detectEthereumProvider();

async function login() {

// Your login logic goes here...



When you run this code, it will prompt the user for their Ethereum provider credentials. Once the user has entered the correct credentials, it will bind the “ethereum” object and display a success message.

By following these steps, you can effectively integrate MetaMask into your JavaScript application to discover specific Ethereum providers and connect them to various on-chain settings.


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