Ethereum: Settxfee does not work in RPC

Ethereum: Understanding SetTxFee and RPC Fees

As an Ethereum developer, you are probably familiar with the importance of setting appropriate transaction fees on the Ethereum network. However, many developers struggle to balance the desired transaction speed with the need to minimize transaction costs.

In this article, we will dive into the world of settxfee and RPC fees and explore ways to optimize them for a seamless user experience.

What is SetTxFee?

Settxfee is a mechanism that allows users to specify a fee for their transactions before they are broadcast to the network. This fee is typically determined by network validators (i.e., node operators) and can vary depending on factors such as transaction complexity, block size, and network congestion.

Problem with SetTxFee in RPC

When using the settxfee command within an RPC call, such as sendtoaddress, you may encounter unexpected fees. In particular:

  • The user-specified fee (0.00020) is not applied correctly.

  • The actual fee paid to the network is higher than expected, resulting in reduced transaction speed.

Causes and Solutions

Let's explore some common causes and potential solutions to this issue:

Ethereum: Settxfee does not work in RPC

Cause 1: Incorrect fee specification

When setting settxfee, you must specify a fixed amount of gas or a percentage of the maximum allowed balance. If the fee is specified incorrectly, it may not be applied correctly.

  • Try specifying the desired transaction speed as the fee:

send to address -f 1000 --gas price

This will set the fee to 1000 gas units with a maximum allowed balance of 150 ether.

Cause 2: Network congestion

Network congestion can affect RPC performance and increase fees. If your network is under heavy load, try:

  • Increase block height: You can use setblocknumber to increase the block number, which can help reduce fees.

setblocknumber --blocknumber=1000000

However, be careful when increasing the block number as it can affect your account balance and transaction history.

Cause 3: Transaction complexity

Complex transactions may require more gas units to successfully execute. You can try:

  • Reduce transaction complexity: Use simpler transactions with fewer inputs or outputs.

tx --gasprice=0.1

This will reduce the amount of gas required for a transaction, potentially reducing fees.

Cause 4: RPC server configuration

Network-wide issues or configuration errors on the RPC server can also affect RPC performance and increase fees. Be sure to check your RPC server logs for issues or known issues that may be causing this issue.


In conclusion, setting settxfee in an RPC call requires careful consideration of various factors, including transaction speed, network congestion, and RPC server configuration. By understanding the cause of the issue and implementing solutions such as reducing transaction complexity, increasing the number of blocks, or adjusting fuel prices, you can optimize your transactions for a smooth user experience.

Best Practices

  • Always verify the exact fee specification when setting settxfee.

  • Be aware of network congestion and adjust RPC server configurations as needed.

  • Use simple transactions with fewer inputs or outputs to reduce transaction complexity.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your Ethereum transactions run smoothly, balancing transaction speed with minimal fees. Happy coding!

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