Ethereum Binance Futures API Signature Problem
As a trade robot maker, you are probably encountered by questions about authentication API inquiries. One common problem when using Ethereum Binance Futures API receives an error message stating that your query signature is invalid.
In this article, we will delve into detailed information about what causes this problem and to provide a solution to it.
Understanding the error message
When you are confronted with the following error message:
“Code”: -1022,
MSG: "The signature of this request is not valid."
This indicates that the API customer cannot check the signature sent by your request. This can be for a variety of reasons such as:
- Incorrect or incorrectly formed API key
- Ended or invalidated with API Access Key
- Incorrect permits (eg without sufficiently "active" status)
- Inadequate user agent information
Troubleshooting steps
To solve the problem, follow the following steps:
![Ethereum: Binance Futures API: Signature is not valid](
1. Check your API credentials
Make sure you use the correct API key and API secret. Make sure they are safely protected as they will be used for authentication.
Check that your API access key has not expired or is set as "inactive" (inactive).
You can add a custom user agent's headline to improve the legality of your request:
Const axios = Require ('axios');
CONST APikey = 'your_api_key_Here';
CONST APISEECRET = 'Your_api_secret_Here'; (
https: //
"Symbol": BTCUSDT,
Side: "Buy",
"Type": "Boundary",
'Quantity': 1
'headlines': {
'X-mbx-apikey': Apikey,
Content type: Application/JSON
.Then ((answer) => console.log (
.catch ((error) => console.error (error));
If you submit requests from another origin, consider adding Cors headlines to the end of your API:
Const axios = Require ('axios');
CONST APikey = 'your_api_key_Here';
CONST APULET = 'Your_api_secret_Here'; (
https: //
"Symbol": BTCUSDT,
Side: "Buy",
"Type": "Boundary",
'Quantity': 1
'headlines': {
'X-mbx-apikey': Apikey,
Content type: Application/JSON
'Origin': '/',
"Methods": [Post]
.Then ((answer) => console.log (
.catch ((error) => console.error (error));
Ethereum Binance Futures API signature problem can be solved by checking your API credentials by checking the API access key status and updating the user agent information. Also, add Cors headlines to your API rear point if necessary.
Remember to keep your API keys safely and keep them confidential to avoid illegal access.
By performing these steps, you should be able to solve the error "signature of this request is not valid" and to continue your trade bot creation. Happy coding!