Ethereum: Is it possible to encode a struct to calldata when calling another function?

Ethereum: Can we encode the structure for Calldat when you cause a different function?

In Ethereum, when you cause a different function in the contract, you can convey arguments in many ways. However, one of the common restrictions is that the data type sent to the function cannot be coded directly to Calld. This is due to the fact that Calldata records values ​​and requires that they be a specific type, which may not correspond to the type of information sent to the function.

In this article, we will examine whether it is possible to encode the structure (i.e. the object) to Caldata when you cause a different function in the Ethereum agreement.

problem: codes

Let's look, for example, given at the beginning. We have the "price of structure" and the "iSpricay" function, which assumes the argument "Calldata price":


structure price {

Uint value;


ISPricokay function (price price) Public Clean Return (Punch) {

Return ...


Pay attention to how we try to convey the entire structure ("price") as an argument. However, when you want to move a specific type of object (such as "structure price"), you can use the "value" field to save it.

Unfortunately, when you call a different function under Calldata, we simply cannot determine the expression of the entire structure in the value of Calldata. Instead, we need to use an indexing combination and tasks to achieve this.

solutions: index and tasks

Here are two general rotation methods that will help us code the structure when you cause a different function:

  • Indexing : We can define the "price" structure index in Calldata, as:


structure price {

Uint value;


ISPricokay function (price [] Memory price) Public Clean Return (BOOL) {

Return ...


By determining the "price" of the set, which is equal to the number of "prices" structures that we want to cod, we can use any element in its catalog (0,1 etc.). However, this approach still requires manual indexing and determination in combination with the function.

2 This allows us to define a structure similar to the structure in which each element is registered as an integer, and not as separate variables:


structure price {

Uint value;


ISPricokay function (price [] Memory price) Public Clean Return (BOOL) {

Return ...


In this case, we can simply transfer the "price" argument directly to Calldat without indexing or task:


Mycontract contract {

Myfunction () Public Pure Return () function {

// pass the price as an argument here ...

ISpricokay (price);



Remember, however, that using "data" increases complexity and may not be the best approach in any use.


To sum up, while the structure is technically possible to consume when calling another function in the Ethereum contract, it requires careful consideration of indexing, configuration or rotation, such as the keyword of "data". These approaches may be useful in some scenarios in which complex data structures should be stored directly in the Calldata area.

When deciding to use these rotation methods, consider factors such as:

  • Data size and structure you try to encode

  • Gas ​​efficiency and efficiency needs

  • Codebase monimus and readability

Ultimately, it is necessary to consider the benefits and disadvantages of each approach before choosing the best solution for a special case.

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