Metamask: Can hardhat deploy contract by metamask?

Metamask: Can hardhat deploy a Metamask contract?

As a developer who is familiar with Web3 and Hardhat, you probably know about the importance of deploying intelligent Blockchain contracts. However, deploying contracts to a living network using metamascular can be difficult, especially for those who are new to Web3. In this article, we will examine whether it is possible to deploy contracts using metamascus and provide guidance on how to do this.

What is metamask?

Metamask is an open source browser that allows users to interact with the Ethereum blockchain. It allows users to send ether (ETH) and other cryptocurrencies to their local wallet, as well as view the history of transactions and check the accounts. With a metama, you can also create a "Metamask wallet" that acts as a bridge between the local wallet and the Ethereum network.

Deployment of contracts using Metamask

You will need to use Hardhat, the popular EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine), to deploy Metamask contracts. Here is an overview of the following steps:

  • Install Hardhat : Make sure you have Hardhat installed in your project by starting NPM Install Hardhat orYarn Add Hardhat.

  • Configure Metamask : In your file metamask.json enter the address, password and network of Metamask Wallet, password and network (eg Ethereum Mainnet). These settings can be found in the API Alchemy API.

  • ** Create a deployment configuration file: Create a new file called deposits. This file will include instructions for the deployment of the contract using Hardhat.

  • Use Hardhat deployment : Import the library@nomicfoundation/hardhat-tolbox 'and define the deployment feature that uses hardhat deployment to deploy contractions in Metamask network.

Example code

Here is an example of how you can create a deployment configuration file:


Import {deployment config} from '@nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox';

Import {deployer} from "@nomiclabs/hardhat deployment";

Deployment Const: Deployment config = {

networks: {{

Metamask: {

Accounts: [


Name: “Your-Metamask-Wallet-Adress”,

Privatekey: Your Metamask-Wallet-Password,

URL: “ Metamask Wallet address”



Gas: 2000000,

Gas: 10000


Ethereum: {

Accounts: [


Name: “Your-ethereum-ACCOUNT -edRESS”,

Privatekey: Your-ethereum-ACCOUNT-PASSWORD,

URL: " Address Account ETters"



Gas: 2000000,

Gas: 10000



Deployment: Deployment


export the default deployment;


Can hardhat deploy a Metamask contract?

Yes, it is possible to deploy contracts using metamask with hardhat. By entering Metamask's wallet address and network settings in your "Metamask.json` and Deployment Configuration File, as mentioned above, you can successfully deploy contracts on the live network.

Keep in mind, however, that the deployment of contracts into a living network requires a thorough consideration of safety and performance. Always make sure your Metamask wallet is safe and up -to -date, and also follow proven procedures to deploy contracts into the Ethereum network.

In conclusion, although it may seem difficult to use contracts using metamask with hardhat, it is certainly possible. According to these steps and using the correct configuration files, you can successfully deploy live network contracts using a local Metamask wallet.


Metamask: Can hardhat deploy contract by metamask?

  • Hardhat Documentation: <

  • Metamask documentation: <

  • Documentation API alchemy: <

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