Access to data Ethereum transaction with API
As a newcomer in the Bitcoin and Blockchain technology world, you are probably eager to be ongoing with the latest transactions. However, navigation of huge amounts of available online can be irresistible. Fortunately, this article will guide you through the approach procedure for the latest data on Ethereum transaction using API -ja
What is API? API is an open code platform that enables developers access and manipulating data from the blockchain network, including Ethereum. Using this API, you can download and analyze the transaction information in a structured format.
Why use API?
There are several reasons you should consider using API -ja:
* Real Time Updates : API provides real -time updates about the creation of a block, mining and processing transactions.
* Scalabiness : With API you can handle large amounts of data without threatening performance or scalability.
* Flexibility : API supports different data formats, including JSON, which allows easy integration into your application.
Access to the Ethereum transaction data
To access the latest data on the Ethereum transaction using API -ja, follow these steps:
Before you start using API, you need to register on This includes the creating an account and checking the E -Stage address. After registration you will get a unique API key that will be used to authenticate your requests. API provides several end points to download transactions data. For this example, we will use /block/
the end point, which restores information on active blocks to Ethereum Blockchain.
To download the latest transactions using API, you will need to set up the noda.js application that can be associated with API and analyze the JSON answer. Here's an example of a code clip:
Const Express = demand ('Express');
Const Axios = required ('axios');
Const App = Express ();
Const API_KEY = 'Your_api_Key_here';
Const blockchain_info_url = blocks/
app.get ('/blocks/: id', Async (Req, res) => {
Const block_id =;
Const response = awaits axios.get ($ {blockchain_info_url} $ {block_id}
Const data =;
if (data.error) {{
Return res.status (500) .json ({Error: 'failed to retrieve the data'});
// Arrange the JSON response and take out a -O's transaction ID
Const transaction = Data.transactions;
Const transaction_ids = ((transaction) =>;
res.Json ({transactions: transaction_ids});
app.listen (3000, () => {
Console.log ('API listening on Porto 3000');
This code sets the Express.js application that listens to on Porto 3000. Defines one end point API -ja/blocks/: ID, which accepts parameter
Block_id. The end point sends a API request and breaks down the JSON response, drawing the ID -s transaction. Finally, returns a list of ID -O's transaction in the JSON response.
To start the app, save the code clip up to the file (eg,app.js) and make it with noda.js:
Node app.js
This will be launched by Express.JS server on Porto 3000. You can now access the latest transaction data on Ethereum by visiting [http: // Localhost: 3000/blocks/: ID] (http: // Localhost: 3000/: ID/: ID).
Access to Ethereum's latest data transaction using APIs is a simple process that requires minimal knowledge of blockchain technology and programming languages such as noda.js.