. ,
Getsubid () Functions are already implemented and available in the JavaScript Code.
Ethereum: Creating & Setting Subids Using VRF Coordinators
Coordinators in a hardhat environment.
Overview of Hardhat Environment
Hardhat is a popular Ethereum development framework that allows us to build and deploy smart contracts on the Ethereum Network. The Ethereum Blockchain, making it ideal for rapid prototyping and development.
Creating & Setting Subids Using VRF Coordinators
To create subids using vrf coordinators in hardhat, we need to:
- Import Necessary Dependencies
- Set up our Network Configuration
- Create aVrfcoordinator
- Get the Subid Using theGetsubid
Hardhat Deployment Script (Deploy.js)
Const {Network, Ethers} = Require ("@NomicLab/Hardhat");
// Set up our Network Configuration
Const Networks = {
Hardhat: {
Chainid: 1337,
// Add Other Network Configurations As Needed
// Import the VRF Coordinator Library
Const vrfcoordinatorv2_5mock = Require ("./ VRFCOordinatorV2_5Mock");
Async Function Main () {
Const {getchainid} = Await ethers.getconTrCActory ("Your-Contract-Name");
Const Contractinstince = Await Getchainid ();
// Create a Subscription Instance with VRF Coordinator
Const SubscriptionInstance = Await vrfcoordinatorv2_5mock.createsubscription ({{
chainid: contractinstance.chainid,
Provider: Network.provider,
// Set the Subid Using the Createsubscription () Function
await subscriptioninstance.setsubid ("Your-Sub-id");
console.log (await vrfcoordinatorv2_5mock.getsubid ());
// Get the Subid Using the Getsubid Method
Const subid = Await vrfcoordinatorv2_5mock.getsubid ();
console.log (subid);
slender ();
In We then create a vrfcoordinator
instance with VRF coordinator version 2.5 mock.
Next, we create a subscription instance using the Createsubscription ()
Function and Pass it as an argument to the setsubid
Method. This sets the subid for the specified contract.
Replace " Your-Conctract-Name "
With the Actual Name of Your Ethereum Contract, and replace `" "" "" "" " This script assumes that you have a vrf coordinator version 2.5 mock implementation available.