Ethereum: I’m having trouble importing ThreadedWebsocketManager in Python

Import The Binance MenesesweWebketManager in Python

I am here to help solve the issue of importing the "meneteswebsketmanager" from "Binance.streams". The error message suggests that there may be conflict with another directory or module. Let's go through some troubleshooting steps.

step 1: check the installed libraries

Make sure all the necessary libraries are installed and up to date around the python.

  • Run Pip Show Binance 'to check that you are installed.

  • If not, installing it using "Pip Install Binance".

Step 2: check the library version

Try to import different versions of the "" to find out there are compatibility problems.



From the Imports of Binance

Ethereum: I'm having trouble importing ThreadedWebsocketManager in Python

Using the Older Version (Before 1.0.5)


Import the Binance.streams to the threaded websocketmanager

Except for the Importerror As E:

Print (f "Import Binance: {e}")

Step 3: check that there are conflicts with other libraries or modules

Check that there are conflicts between "Binance" and other libraries or modules that use the same features.


Import Requests

from the threaded Fiber of the Import Fiber

Class Threaded WebsocketManager:

Def __init __ (loan):

Self.WS_Manager = None

Replace this comment by implementing

Step 4: Use Relative Imports

If you use a virtual environment, try to import the directory as relative imports.


-From. Import Binance.streams.ThreadedWeBsketManager

Step 5: Update the Binance Library Version

Be sure to update the "Binance" Library Version. You can do this by running:


Install -Pgrade Binance pip


After updating, try to re -Import memeeteswebsketmanager '.

Example use the case with imports of imports

Here is an example of how to implement the "treadedwebsketmanager" in its code and to import correctly in both Old and New Ways:



Class Threaded WebsocketManager:

Def __init __ (loan):

INITIALIZE Websocket Manager

Self.WS_Manager = None

Replace this comment by implementing

Def Main ():


Import Binance.streams Threaded WebsocketManager

New Version

Print ("use" New Threaded WedweBsketManager ")

thread = threading.thread (target = threadedwebsketmanager (). ws_manager)

fiber.daemon = True

Stop the Thread When the Main Program Exits

soda.start ()

Except for the Importerror As E:

Print (f "Import Binance: {e}")

If __name__ == "__main__":

Main ()

Example use the case with imports of imports

If you use the older version of the "Binance" Directory, try to import directly:



-From. Import Binance.streams.ThreadedWeBSketManager

Replace this comment by implementing

Def Main ():

thread = threading.thread (target = threadedwebsketmanager (). ws_manager)

fiber.daemon = True

Stop the Thread When the Main Program Exits

If __name__ == "__main__":

Main ()

If none of these steps solve the issue, consider the submission of the question on [Binance Github Repository] ( or consult their support group for further help.

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