Ethereum: Web3Button from Thirdweb-dev/react v4 sdk never loads, when set the active chain to base

I can help you write an article about your issue with the web3button component on thirdweb-dev/react V4 SDK. Here's a Draft:

Title: Ethereum Web3button: A Simple Yet Troublesome issue in React 4 SDK


As developers, we strive to create seamless and intuitive interfaces for our users. However, Sometimes Even The Simplest Components Can Become a Source of Frustration. In this article, I'll Be Highlighting One Such Issue with the Web3Button Component on Thirdweb-DEV/REACK V4 SDK.

The issue:

When setting up the web3button component in My React 4 SDK Project, I Encountered an Unexpected Behavior That Prevented It From Loading Correctly. Specifically, When I Set the Active Chain to Base, The Button would never load. This might not seem like a major issue at first glance, but trust me, it's frustrating.

The Error Message:

Here are some details about the error message I Received:


Label = "Sing"

OnClick = {async () => {

Const Chainid = Await Getchainid ();

// ...




As you can see, the getchainid () function is called to retrieve the current active chain id. However, this function is asynchronous and returns a promise that resolves with the result.

In My Case, I expected the web3button component to load correctly when I set the active chain to base. Instead, it Kept Loading Indefinitely, Making It Difficult for Me To Interact With The Wallet.

The Solution:

To resolve this issue, I needed to make some changes to how I was using the web3button component. Specifically, I updated the OnClick Handler to Handle the Promise Returned byGetchainid ()And use the resolved value Instead of the Initial Result.

Here's an Example of what I Changed:



Const Chainid = Await Getchainid ();

// use the resolved value of chainid

Const provider = New Web3 (New Web3.providers.httpprovider (http: // Localhost: 8545));

provider.on ('chainchanged', (newchain) => {

if (newchain === 'base') {

console.log ('switching to base chain ...');

// Perform Any Necessary Actions When Switching to the Base Chain





Ethereum: Web3Button from Thirdweb-dev/react v4 sdk never loads, when set the active chain to base

As you can see, setting up the web3button component on thirdweb-dev/react V4 SDK can have some unexpected behavior. In this case, I was able to resolve an issue by updating the onclick handler to handle the promise returned bygetchainid ()and use the resolved value -insele Initial result.

I hope this article Helps Others who may be experienced similar issues with web3button components in Their React 4 SDK Projects. If you have any questions or comments, Feel free to share them below!

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