I can help you write an article about your issue with the web3button component on thirdweb-dev/react V4 SDK. Here's a Draft:
Title: Ethereum Web3button: A Simple Yet Troublesome issue in React 4 SDK
As developers, we strive to create seamless and intuitive interfaces for our users. However, Sometimes Even The Simplest Components Can Become a Source of Frustration. In this article, I'll Be Highlighting One Such Issue with the Web3Button Component on Thirdweb-DEV/REACK V4 SDK.
The issue:
When setting up the web3button component in My React 4 SDK Project, I Encountered an Unexpected Behavior That Prevented It From Loading Correctly. Specifically, When I Set the Active Chain to Base, The Button would never load. This might not seem like a major issue at first glance, but trust me, it's frustrating.
The Error Message:
Here are some details about the error message I Received:
Label = "Sing"
OnClick = {async () => {
Const Chainid = Await Getchainid ();
// ...
As you can see, the
In My Case, I expected the web3button component to load correctly when I set the active chain to base. Instead, it Kept Loading Indefinitely, Making It Difficult for Me To Interact With The Wallet.
To resolve this issue, I needed to make some changes to how I was using the web3button component. Specifically, I updated the
Here's an Example of what I Changed:
Const Chainid = Await Getchainid ();
// use the resolved value of chainid
Const provider = New Web3 (New Web3.providers.httpprovider (http: // Localhost: 8545
provider.on ('chainchanged', (newchain) => {
if (newchain === 'base') {
console.log ('switching to base chain ...');
// Perform Any Necessary Actions When Switching to the Base Chain
As you can see, setting up the web3button component on thirdweb-dev/react V4 SDK can have some unexpected behavior. In this case, I was able to resolve an issue by updating the
I hope this article Helps Others who may be experienced similar issues with web3button components in Their React 4 SDK Projects. If you have any questions or comments, Feel free to share them below!getchainid ()
function is called to retrieve the current active chain id. However, this function is asynchronous and returns a promise that resolves with the result.
The Solution: OnClick
Handler to Handle the Promise Returned byGetchainid ()
And use the resolved value Instead of the Initial Result.JSX
Conclusion: onclick
handler to handle the promise returned bygetchainid ()
and use the resolved value -insele Initial result.