Ethereum: Error: The Binance signature for this request is invalid

Error Handling and Signature Management in Ethereum Smart Contracts

As a developer building Ethereum-based smart contracts, you are probably familiar with the importance of proper error handling and signature management. In this article, we will dive into the issue at hand – Binance Signature is invalid.

Problem: Binance Signature

When creating a digital signature for a transaction on the Ethereum blockchain, you need to ensure that the “privateKey” (or “address”) used is correct and matches the one provided by the Binance API. However, for security reasons, the Binance API does not provide direct access to the signer’s private key.

Code: The “crypto” module

To solve this problem, we will use the crypto module available in Node.js to create a digital signature for the transaction and validate it using the Binance API. Here is an example code snippet:

const crypto = require('crypto');

const { Signer} = crypto;

// Replace with your private key

const privateKey = "your_private_key_here";

// Define a function that will be used to sign transactions

async function signatureFunction(message) {

try {

// Create a new instance of the signer using the Binance API

const signer = await new Signer(privateKey);

// Sign a transaction with the signer

const signature = await signer.signMessage(message, "eth_sign");

return signature;

} catch (error) {

console.error("Error signing transaction:", error);

throw error; // Rethrow the error for further handling



// Usage example:

async function main() {

try {

// Send a message to the Ethereum network

const message = "Hello, Binance!";

const signature = await signatureFunction(message);

console.log("Transaction signature:", signature);

} catch (error) {

console.error("Error:", error);



main ();


  • First, we import the `cryptomodule and define a new instance of theSignerclass using the Binance API.

  • In thesignature function, we create a new instance of the signer with your private key as an argument.

  • Then we call thesignMessage` method on the signer, passing the message to be signed and the signature algorithm ("eth_sign").

  • If successful, we return the generated digital signature.

Tips for a successful implementation:

  • Protect your private key: Never share or disclose your private key publicly.

  • Use a trusted Binance API implementation

    Ethereum: Binance Signature for this request is not valid error

    : Make sure you are using an established library that handles API keys securely and correctly.

  • Test thoroughly: Verify that your crypto module is working as expected, including generating signatures for different messages.

By following these steps and tips, you should be able to resolve the Binance Signature invalid error when creating Ethereum-based smart contracts.

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