Ethereum: How to get sender address with bitcoinj (no duplicate)?

Here is an article about how to get the sender address in Bitcoin using Java, in particular, using the bitcoinj library:

Getting Sender Address with BitcoinJ

When sending a Bitcoin transaction, you need to make sure that the recipient receives the correct amount of Bitcoin. This is usually done by including the recipient's public address as part of the transaction.

In this article, we will look at how to get the sender's address in Bitcoin using the bitcoinj' library for Java.

Why do we need a return address

Before sending a Bitcoin transaction, you need to know who the recipient is. This information is usually provided in the transaction object, which contains various fields such asfrom,toandamount.

However, if you only have atx' variable that contains information about the transaction, you will not be able to determine the sender's address directly.

Solution: get sender address from transaction

To solve this problem, we can use the bitcoinj library to extract the sender address from the transaction. The key concept here is that Bitcoin transactions usually include a unique identifier for each wallet.

Here is an example of a code snippet that demonstrates how to get the sender address using bitcoinj:

import org.bitcoinj.core.Address;

import org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction;

public class GetSenderAddress {

public static void main(String[] args) {

// Create a new BitcoinJ transaction object

Transaction tx = new Transaction();

// Add the sender's address to the transaction (in this case we will use "0.1")

tx.addDestination(new Address("0.1"));

// Get the transaction data (including the sender's address)


// You can now access the sender address using the 'from' field

String senderAddress = tx.getFrom().toString();

System.out.println("Sender Address: " + senderAddress);



In this code snippet, we create a new Transaction object and add the sender address to it using the addDestination() method. We then retrieve the transaction data (including the sender address) by calling the toString() method.

BitcoinJ transaction getters

The Transaction class in bitcoinj has several getters that allow you to access various fields of an object, including:

  • getFrom(): returns the sender's public key.

  • getTo(): returns the recipient's public key.

  • getAmount(): returns the amount value.

These getters can be used to extract the necessary information from the transaction and perform further operations.


In this article, we looked at how to get the sender's address in Bitcoin using the `bitcoinj' library for Java. By following the steps described above, you will be able to obtain the necessary information to successfully send a Bitcoin transaction.

Remember that you should always exercise caution when working with cryptocurrency transactions and make sure that you have your dependencies and configuration set up correctly.

Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any additional questions or need additional assistance.

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