Ethereum: Is there a way to create a UTXO that cannot be spent until a certain block #?

Unleashing the Potential in Ethereum: Is There a Way to Create UTXOs with Time-Dependent Spend Limits?

Ethereum, like its predecessor Bitcoin, uses a unique set of cryptographic techniques and smart contracts to facilitate secure and transparent transactions. Two of the most interesting aspects of Ethereum are the use of unspent transaction outputs (UTXOs) and time-dependent spending limits, especially regarding the creation of UTXOs with specific block numbers.

What is UTXO?

In Bitcoin, each transaction consists of multiple inputs that together form a UTXO. These inputs are then combined into a single output using the recipient's public key. UTXOs have several advantages: they offer a high degree of security because each input and output is unique; nodes on the network can easily verify and validate them; and, most importantly for this discussion, they can only be consumed when their respective inputs are included in a transaction.

NLockTime Feature

In Bitcoin, transactions have an nLockTime field that specifies the earliest block number/time at which a transaction can be added to the blockchain. This field is used by miners to optimize block generation and ensure consistency across different forks of the block chain. In Ethereum, UTXOs also include this feature; each UTXO has an associated timestamp (timestamp').

Time-dependent spending limits

To create a UTXO that cannot be spent until a certain block number is reached, developers can use the concept ofnLockTime' and time-dependent spending limits. Here's how:

  • UTXO Creation: When an Ethereum smart contract creates a new UTXO, it sets its timestamp' to the current timestamp.

  • Add to ledger

    Ethereum: Is there any way to make an UTXO that cannot be spent until a certain block #?

    : The newly created UTXO is then added to the UTXO ledger.

  • Spending Limit: To create UTXOs with time-dependent spending limits, developers can set an additional field calledblockHash, which specifies the block number on which the UTXO should be spent.

Here's an example of how it might work:

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

Sample contract {

// CREATES creation

struct LOCATION {

recipient of a public address;

uint256 timestamp;

uint256 nLockTime; // Block number (time)

bool spent; // Whether UTXO is spent or not


constructor() public {

require (0 < blockHash, "Block hash must be specified");


function createUTX() public { {

UTXO memory UTXO = UTXO(

address (0x123456789),


100, // time before UTXO can be spent

false // not consumed yet




  • Consuming UTXO: To spend the newly created UTXO, you should find the corresponding entry in your transaction's blockchain and update the nLockTimefield of that entry.

In conclusion

Creating a HOUSE with time-dependent consumption limits is not as simple as creating an empty HOUSE. Developers must carefully consider the block number they want the UTXO to be spent on and ensure that this value does not exceed the current timestamp or fall outside the valid range for UTXO usage.

This example shows hownLockTime` can be used in Ethereum smart contracts to create UTXOs with certain spending limits. However, it is important to remember that this feature requires careful consideration of blockchain security and optimization strategies.

Additional resources:

  • [Ethereum Developer Documentation](

  • [Solidity Documentation](

  • [Ethereum Blog - "UTXOs: The Ultimate Tool for Smart Contracts and DeFi"](


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